Saturday, May 31, 2014

Re: [MW:20941] Cathodic protection

Dear eng. shahzad

Would you be more specific in your kind inquiry, like ( type of protected structure, type of catholic system...etc.)


Dr. Eng. Alaa Abdulhasan Atiyah
Dean of Materials Eng. Dept
UOT- Baghdad

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Dear Expert what is effect of rain on cathodic protection 

Engr.Asif Shahzad

B.E Chemical Engineering
API 510
Lead Auditor QMS(9001-2008)

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[MW:20939] RE: 20937] Cathodic protection

The simple answer is that it is ineffective but what are you talking about, something offshore, a pipeline onshore or some other installation.


From: []
Sent: 30 May 2014 15:44
To: materials welding
Subject: [MW:20937] Cathodic protection


Dear Expert what is effect of rain on cathodic protection 



Engr.Asif Shahzad

B.E Chemical Engineering
API 510
Lead Auditor QMS(9001-2008)

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[MW:20939] Re: Welding of SS 304H to P-91

kannayeram gnanapandithan 
Sir...Could you kindly explain the reason of not using Inconel filler

On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:42:10 PM UTC+5:30, ARUNABH BERA wrote:
Dear All

Kindly clarify the doubts:
Sir in Ethylene Cracker Furnace at one of the Petrochemical Plant, we have a hook-up between P-91 and SS304H. Here we are using ER309 as the filler.
Is it acceptable, if not what can be the probable problems associated with the filler selection and what are the solutions 

Engineers India Limited

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Re: [MW:20938] Cathodic protection

If you are talking about Sacrificial anodes it will be no effect as we can use it underwater so Rain is no thing


On Saturday, May 31, 2014 9:45 AM, 'Asif Shahzad' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:

Dear Expert what is effect of rain on cathodic protection 

Engr.Asif Shahzad

B.E Chemical Engineering
API 510
Lead Auditor QMS(9001-2008)
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Friday, May 30, 2014

[MW:20937] Cathodic protection

Dear Expert what is effect of rain on cathodic protection 

Engr.Asif Shahzad

B.E Chemical Engineering
API 510
Lead Auditor QMS(9001-2008)

RE: [MW:20934] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing

PRODID:-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.2//EN_C
FN:George H Dilintas/GRC/VERITAS
ADR;TYPE=HOME;TYPE=PREF:;;19-21 B. Laskou str.;Athens;Attika;11 633
TEL;TYPE=HOME:+30-1-7667 197
TEL;TYPE=WORK:+30-210-40 63 113
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TEL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=FAX:+30-210-40 63 118
TEL;TYPE=CELL:+30 -69 44-64 62 04
ORG:Bureau Veritas;Industry

Do not rush with the PED.
I would suggest that you download the PED and the relevant Guidelines and that you study carefully the Annex I section 4.1a and Annex I section 7.5 and the  guidelines 6/12, 7/17

    best regards

    Dr. Georgios Dilintas

    Authorized Nuclear Inspector
    Authorized Inspector Supervisor


    Tel: +30 210 40 63 113/4
    Fax: +30 210 40 63 118
    Cell: +30 69 44 64 62 04

    (See attached file: Dilintas_George.vcf)

"Bhave, Suyog" ---30/05/2014 07:10:51---Thank you for the reply. If anyone have more information regarding where exactly the impact testing

From: "Bhave, Suyog" <>
To: "" <>
Date: 30/05/2014 07:10
Subject: RE: [MW:20930] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing
Sent by:

Thank you for the reply.
If anyone have more information regarding where exactly the impact testing values are specified in PED and are these differ as per material.
I know the directive PED 97/23/EC, however the requirements are very general.
Is there any BV member of our group can guide me in detail. Thanks.
Best Regards,
Suyog Bhave
From: [] On Behalf Of veera raghava kommisetti
 Wednesday, May 28, 2014 17:28
 Re: [MW:20911] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing
PED allows use of ASME code for design and construction and as such rules of ASME applies for Impact.
You can get additional requirements for compliance to PED in EC directive. Notified bodies will guide you in this respect.
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Bhave, Suyog <> wrote:
Dear All,
I am currently working on project located at UK which requires compliance to PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) norms.
Can anybody have reference where I could find the details of PED related to PIPING engineering.
Also, is there any impact testing criteria specified in PED which is different than American codes.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Regards,
Suyog Bhave
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Re: [MW:20935] Re: Welding of SS 304H to P-91

Do not use Inconel 625


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Ramin Kondori <> wrote:
ERNiCr3 or Inconel 625

Best Regards

Ramin Kondori

Sr. QA/QC engineer

Yadavaran Oilfield Project


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 7:46 AM, ARUNABH BERA <> wrote:
Thank you Pradip Sir
Thank you so much for your valuable advice. would definately bring in notic to the EIL Standard Development group. Kindly clarify one more doubt, as we know that P-91 is poor to weld corrosion, what could be the possible corrosion and failure mechanism if we use ER 309 and how usage of ER NiCr3 helps
Warm Regards

On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:42:10 PM UTC+5:30, ARUNABH BERA wrote:
Dear All

Kindly clarify the doubts:
Sir in Ethylene Cracker Furnace at one of the Petrochemical Plant, we have a hook-up between P-91 and SS304H. Here we are using ER309 as the filler.
Is it acceptable, if not what can be the probable problems associated with the filler selection and what are the solutions 

Engineers India Limited

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RE: [MW:20935] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing

You should refer to the PED Guidelines (make a Google search on that), which is a 255 page document from the EU Commission.

It does not state directly the 27J, but 27J is a common used criteria in European materials (EN materials). Also your WPS’s should be qualified to show compliance with that requirement, but that will come automatically because your WPS’s will need to address that they comply with PED 97/23/EC.

There are no impact test requirements on austenitic stainless steel – se guidelines.


You will find in the guidelines, that you need to have “Particular Material Assessments” (PMAs) made for non-European Materials, these should be verified by your selected Notified Body for the CE-marking.


For information: It is rather limited what your Notified Body may guide; their role is not to guide but to verify (and basically they cannot verify that they guided correctly themselves).



Yours sincerely

Kristian Lund Jepsen


M. Sc. Mech. Eng.

Senior Chief Consultant

Piping & Mechanical


D +45 - 51617324

M +45 - 23402936




Willemoesgade 2

DK-6700 Esbjerg



DK 35128417    



From: [] On Behalf Of Bhave, Suyog
Sent: 29. maj 2014 11:27
Subject: RE: [MW:20930] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing


Thank you for the reply.

If anyone have more information regarding where exactly the impact testing values are specified in PED and are these differ as per material.

I know the directive PED 97/23/EC, however the requirements are very general.


Is there any BV member of our group can guide me in detail. Thanks.


Best Regards,

Suyog Bhave


From: [] On Behalf Of veera raghava kommisetti
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 17:28
Subject: Re: [MW:20911] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing


PED allows use of ASME code for design and construction and as such rules of ASME applies for Impact.

You can get additional requirements for compliance to PED in EC directive. Notified bodies will guide you in this respect.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Bhave, Suyog <> wrote:

Dear All,


I am currently working on project located at UK which requires compliance to PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) norms.

Can anybody have reference where I could find the details of PED related to PIPING engineering.


Also, is there any impact testing criteria specified in PED which is different than American codes.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Best Regards,

Suyog Bhave

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RE: [MW:20933] Pipeline selection criteria

3LPE is commonly used as an external pipeline coating for offshore and onshore carbon steel pipelines. Assuming your seawater contains oxygen (it normally does) then a carbon steel pipeline will be subject to internal corrosion, and notably at the welds. The alternatives are plastic lined carbon steel, GRE or polyethylene pipe. The stainless steel alternatives which are considered to be seawater resistant are 6Mo or super-duplex (PREN greater than 40).


From: [] On Behalf Of Sandeep Karnwal
Sent: 27 May 2014 03:43
Subject: Re: [MW:20886] Pipeline selection criteria


Low Mn contain coating

On 26-May-2014 11:16 AM, "Saidur Rahman" <> wrote:

Dear Experts,

Normally  Cross-coutry pipelines are 3LPE coated (except marshy land). If i want to make a pipeline near the sea or the land contain salt water which type of coating i will choose & what will be the grade of the pipe & chemical composition?

Experts recommendations are required.




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Thursday, May 29, 2014

RE: [MW:20957] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing

1                     The document you have to comply with in the UK is not the 'Pressure Equipment Directive' which is a document prepared by the European Union which has to be enacted by the national governments into their law. The document you have to comply with is the enactment of that into law in the UK which is Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2001) (PER) PER came into force on 29 November 1999 and was amended by SI 2002 No 1267 which came into force on 30 May 2002.

2                     I attach a useful guide which tells you what the PED and PER are all about. Apart from correctly identifying the hazard categories you must also ensure that there is the correct level of third party approval, surveillance and approval of design and fabrication documentation and site supervision. Your company can end up with rejected work, or in extreme cases in court if you get this wrong.

3                     PED and PER do not go down into the detail of Charpy requirements. They are not codes of practice. The equipment has to be designed and fabricated to an appropriate set of codes and standards for the particular pressure vessel type.


Best wishes

Alan Denney



From: [] On Behalf Of veera raghava kommisetti
Sent: 28 May 2014 12:58
Subject: Re: [MW:20911] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing


PED allows use of ASME code for design and construction and as such rules of ASME applies for Impact.

You can get additional requirements for compliance to PED in EC directive. Notified bodies will guide you in this respect.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Bhave, Suyog <> wrote:

Dear All,


I am currently working on project located at UK which requires compliance to PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) norms.

Can anybody have reference where I could find the details of PED related to PIPING engineering.


Also, is there any impact testing criteria specified in PED which is different than American codes.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Best Regards,

Suyog Bhave

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Re: [MW:20931] Re: Welding of SS 304H to P-91

ERNiCr3 or Inconel 625

Best Regards

Ramin Kondori

Sr. QA/QC engineer

Yadavaran Oilfield Project


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 7:46 AM, ARUNABH BERA <> wrote:
Thank you Pradip Sir
Thank you so much for your valuable advice. would definately bring in notic to the EIL Standard Development group. Kindly clarify one more doubt, as we know that P-91 is poor to weld corrosion, what could be the possible corrosion and failure mechanism if we use ER 309 and how usage of ER NiCr3 helps
Warm Regards

On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:42:10 PM UTC+5:30, ARUNABH BERA wrote:
Dear All

Kindly clarify the doubts:
Sir in Ethylene Cracker Furnace at one of the Petrochemical Plant, we have a hook-up between P-91 and SS304H. Here we are using ER309 as the filler.
Is it acceptable, if not what can be the probable problems associated with the filler selection and what are the solutions 

Engineers India Limited

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[MW:20931] Re: Qualify Non Nace Material To Nace

If the steel is for new construction and you have material available then run the standard SSC and HIC testing for full qualification and ensure that the welding procedure is qualified to meet NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156.  If it is already in service then review the weld procedure to confirm that it was done per NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156 and/or measure the hardness of the weld and HAZ to ensure that is below the maximum hardness allowed per the NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156 requirements of Table A.1 of NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156-2

On Friday, May 23, 2014 2:00:20 AM UTC-5, Ri@z wrote:
Dear All,

I hav SA 516 gr 60 , Non nace material. Now my question is " What Is the Procedure or test requirement to make it NACE "


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RE: [MW:20930] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing

Thank you for the reply.

If anyone have more information regarding where exactly the impact testing values are specified in PED and are these differ as per material.

I know the directive PED 97/23/EC, however the requirements are very general.


Is there any BV member of our group can guide me in detail. Thanks.


Best Regards,

Suyog Bhave


From: [] On Behalf Of veera raghava kommisetti
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 17:28
Subject: Re: [MW:20911] Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) - Impact Testing


PED allows use of ASME code for design and construction and as such rules of ASME applies for Impact.

You can get additional requirements for compliance to PED in EC directive. Notified bodies will guide you in this respect.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Bhave, Suyog <> wrote:

Dear All,


I am currently working on project located at UK which requires compliance to PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) norms.

Can anybody have reference where I could find the details of PED related to PIPING engineering.


Also, is there any impact testing criteria specified in PED which is different than American codes.


Thanks in advance for your help.


Best Regards,

Suyog Bhave

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[MW:20929] 1/2" Ball Valve 1500# Hydrotesting

Dear all,

I have query regarding of hydro testing 1/2" ball valve 1500#. It is possible to do testing?. Connection for ball valve 1 part threaded type and another part socket weld type. It is possible to waive the testing?. Advice me details reference code need to be applied and method of testing. Thank you in advance.

Mohd Firdaus Abd Rahim

Sent from my iPhone

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RE: [MW:20958] PWHT for stainless steel weld joint

I was told there is equipment which can be used for stress relief, particularly helpful when coming to SS welding when PWHT is not a good option. This must be done during the welding process, not post welding like PWHT.


For welding being carried out with CS & LA materials, it can achieve approx. 90% of what a PWHT can do if it be being used correctly. For welding being carried out with SS materials, it should able to achieve the same level of stress relief like CS/LA materials.


Let me know if anyone have any interest as demonstration can be arranged.




KL Chung

KTM Taiwan.


From: [] On Behalf Of Arunachalam A
Sent: Wednesday, 28 May, 2014 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:20924] PWHT for stainless steel weld joint


If you carry out the PWHT, then MDMT for the vessel is reduced to Minus 29 Deg C.





On 27 May 2014 06:45, Ghafor Mohamad <> wrote:

Control the interpass and heat input

Ghafor Mohamad
SQE Alstom

On May 27, 2014 10:42 AM, "Raneesh.PK" <> wrote:

Dear all


As we know very well pwht is restricted for stainless steel   weld joint due to formation of chromium carbide(Senzitaion)


My question is how to reduce the weld stress of  stainless steel weld joint.






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