Thursday, March 28, 2013

Re: [MW:17246] Distance between two L-Seam

Hello To ALL,
This clause applicable to Pressure Vessel, What about PIPING can any one suggest for piping as per (API 1104, B31.4, B31.3 or B31.1).

On Thursday, June 14, 2012 11:56:49 AM UTC+4, saravanan sornam wrote:
Hi Guru,
You can find in ASME VIII Div. I, UW-9 (d).
(d) Except when the longitudinal joints are radiographed
4 in. (100 mm) each side of each circumferential welded
intersection, vessels made up of two or more courses shall
have the centers of the welded longitudinal joints of adjacent
courses staggered or separated by a distance of at
least five times the thickness of the thicker plate.
Hope it is Ok for U...

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Gurunath.Hanamar <> wrote:

Dear all,
I know that 100mm is permissble distance between two consecutive longitudinal seams but, can any one confirm minimum distance between two longitudinal seams should be mantained. Kindly mention ASME clause.

Thanks &Regards
Gurunath Hanamar

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