Saturday, February 18, 2012

Re: [MW:13729] dished head shape for 2: 1 elleptical dished head


if SF is more you are adjusting overal lenghth & template is
suiting there is no problem with dish.



On 2/17/12, asad azmi <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Greetings.
> A dished head of ID 1520 mm & thk 80 mm hot formed by subcotractor. A
> vessel is being manufactured by ASME SEC VIII DIV1.
> as per the forming report dished head is having Overcrowning of 10 mm & SF
> is 70 mm.
> Now vessel manufacturer is claming that Dished is having 10 mm plus side
> SF( 80 mm). manufacturer wants to shift tan line by 10 mm to maintain
> overall lenght.
> my question is --
> 1) is it mandatory that for for a dished having overcrowing, SF will
> also be more than required.
> 2) what is the effect on Knuckle radius if the SF is shifted by 10mm.(
> considering the fact that contractor has done forming of the dished head
> considering 70 mm SF).
> 3) can we accept the dished head if dished head forming contactor certify
> that even with 80MM SF the true shape of the dished head will be
> satisfactory.
> *can we accept the dished head if true shape of the dished head is
> checked by a template( 2: 1 elleptical type) which is having 80mm SF & it
> is showing satisfactory result.*
> Please advice.
> Thanks & Regards
> Asad Azmi
> --
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