Friday, February 5, 2010

Re: [MW:4228] RE: Painting internal of GVC

Dear Prashanth:
                 Normally gland condenser packages are installed inside the STG building (normally in mezzanine floor). For that reason is almost impossible to have problems with sand or salt laden winds in contact with the equipment. The temperatures inside the equipment are high, so you will need to insulate the piping around the equipment, and the equipment itself. The reason is personal protection for the operators. If you have more information, please don't hesitate in contact me.
                If you still need to paint the equipment, you just need to paint with a high temperature resistant paint.
               Best regards
               Vladimir Lizama
        Civil & Mechanical Engineer

2010/2/5 Qamlr <>

Dear Friend


Thanks for your response.


We have very limited details as of now which is reproduced here.


The equipment is a gland vent condenser working in deserts of Saudi Arabia with respect to salt laden winds, high humidity sand entrained in vapor streams...this is what may be entering the condenser. Carbon steel tubes are proposed by customer




Prashanth Hegde


From: [] On Behalf Of Vladimir Augusto Lizama Rojas
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:4210] RE: Painting internal of GVC


Dear friend:

What kind of vent condenser do you have?, which is the material of the tubes?, how it will enter sand into the system?... I think you just need to avoid the sand entering into the system, you have to remember that a condenser need is to have a high thermal potential, with a high conduction qualities material, so before protect by painting, you just need to protect the system backwards. Anyway, please give more details to bring you a better answer.


Best regards


Vladimir Lizama

Civil & Mechanical Engineer

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