Tuesday, February 9, 2010

[MW:4251] GTAW Filler Metal with a "G" suffix in ASME Sect. IX

Hi Gentlement,
We have many qualified  WPS/PQR (GTAW process) using filler metal with a "G" suffix such as ER-70S-G and qualified base on ASME Section IX ( using previous ASME IX  Ed. 2004/Ed. 2007) . In QW-404 / Filler Metals), para QW-404.12  state that change classification is NON ESSENTIAL VARIABLE. But in ASME IX Ed. 2007 addendum 2008, in the same QW-404.12 state that change in classification is SUPPLEMENTARY ESSENTIAL VARIABLE ( a filler metal with a" G" suffix)Our question is  whether this existing WPS/PQR need re-qualification (change from NON ESSENTIAL VAR to SUPPLEMENTARY ESSENTIAL VAR)?
Great thank to get sharing accordingly.
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