Monday, April 12, 2021

Re: [MW:32224] SM490A weld to railway

Dear Pravin,

Need your advice, using high tensile electrode can lead to brittleness?
Response - 
These High Tensile electrodes are with Low alloys addition and have moderate ductility of @20 %-  reasonable ductility during Welding 
Need  to follow  critical Welding parameters  , the welding will be sound .
The problem im facing now is, client keep on insisting to use E7016 instead of high tensile electrode.
  Response - The rail material is High Carbon  so hard HAZ requires strength when  butt  Joint is welded.  So either E110XX, E120XX is chosen
For Fillet welds , E7016 would have been suffice 

Hope the things will  be all clear


On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 6:52 PM Pravin Poornachandran <> wrote:

Hi Vishwas,


I agree with you on the electrode selection.

Need your advice, using high tensile electrode can lead to brittleness?

The problem im facing now is, client keep on insisting to use E7016 instead of high tensile electrode.


Having hard time to convince the client.


Anyways appreciate your input.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Vishwas Keskar
Sent: Saturday, 10 April, 2021 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:32202] SM490A weld to railway


Railway material is  with High Carbon  so will have  high strength  with  High HAZ hardness .


The electrode deployed - E7016 has less strength .


Use E11018   with pre heating   and 3.15  dia with stringer bead technique.

After full welding , maintain pre ehat maintenance  say 350  Deg C - 2 HRS  and then cool under insulation 


This shall 


On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 8:16 AM Pravin Poornachandran <> wrote:

Dear Sir,


Enclosed material properties of railway material, while SM490A is ordinary mild steel with low carbon content <0.3%

Along I have enclosed picture of the crack.


1st picture was without preheat, while 2nd picture was with preheat 230degC & postheating 250degC x1hr.

However, crack still occurs. I'm bit lost at this point.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Vishwas Keskar
Sent: Thursday, 8 April, 2021 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: [MW:32191] SM490A weld to railway


Pl. send MTCs of both the materials 


On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 2:51 PM Pravin Poornachandran <> wrote:

Dear Expert,


We are doing a weld joint with following base metal combination: 

SM490 weld to railway (alloyed, high tensile material) 


I used E7016 for this welding, after 4 hours, crack was observed on the weld toe,

however there is no crack on the weldment, thus I assume this is cold crack. 


Crack was noticed on the railway material, not on SM490A material. 


Welding condition:

Baking was done 300-350degC x 1hr 

thickness: 16mm both material 

Preheat: 200degC 

Post heating: 250degC x 1hr


Can anyone advise how to solve this crack defects


Best regards,

Pravin Poornachandran

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