Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Re: [MW:28583] golden weld joint require ments

Dear Gulam, 

There is No specific standard says that 100% DPT requirement for golden welds, Its a general Practice and also you may refer Project specification as Client Issued ..You have have found some criteria  


On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 11:53 AM abdou <bouguera.abdelaziz35@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi dear Lakshman Kumar
I want to ask about any standard that require Every layer of weld with 100%DPT for a golden joint at an weldolet 
and ..sorry for my english

Le samedi 30 octobre 2010 10:48:07 UTC+2, Lakshman Kumar a écrit :

Dear All,


In pipe line activities the joints which are not hydro tested are generally referred as golden joints.

These joints will come especially making tie-in's of for 2 hydro test of sections.

I was experienced with the section as follows….


100 % NDT Is must in this case.


Option 1

1.      Root 100% DPT

2.      Every layer of weld with 100%DPT.

3.      Final run 100% DPT.

4.      100 % UT.


Option 2

1.      Root 100% DPT

2.      100 % RT


This is my personal experience


Thanks & Regards


Lakshman kumar.B | Manager - QA/QC | LANCO  INFRATECH LIMITED
Plot# 1255 | Sanjeevani Chowk | Mahanadi Vihar | Cuttack 753004

Phone : + 91-671-2445033| Mobile: +91 9937286851 | www.lancogroup.com

Go Green |The future will thank you


From: material...@googlegroups.com [mailto:material...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of T. Mahendran
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:42 PM
To: material...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [MW:7936] golden weld joint require ments


Mr Gulam


I could remember the following things for Golden weld.


a) It means , other than of fabrication shop welding, the balance welding which will  be done with only one joint at site welding( or) in a tie -in work process. This type of joints are confirmed by 100% RT or UT (NDT), since there may be  a practice problem in the hydro test depends with the pipe  length.


b)There is no specific code for Golden joint but most of the companies are follow  to perform a "golden weld", with 100% NDT by eliminating hydro test.


c) We can refer  ASME 31.4, and  it  permits a "waiver" of a hydro test on "tie-in" welds between two sections of piping , that the weld has already undergone 100% NDT (see Section 437.1.4 (b) Testing Tie ins, ASME B31.4 2002 Edition).




From: Gulam kader <arm...@gmail.com>
To: material...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, October 30, 2010 9:42:49 AM
Subject: [MW:7933] golden weld joint require ments

Dear all,

can any one explain the golden joint welding , NDT and inspection requirement with Code references.


Gulam Kader

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Thanks  & Best Regards,

Suresh Paidi


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