Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Re: [MW:27795] PT required or not during bevel preparation on t 23 tube

Dear Rameez,

Mostly such requirements are not given in codes. Most of the times, these are customer specific. Generally it is good to conduct PT while repairing to ensure that no surface defect is left to avoid rework/re-repair. It is also one of the good engineering practices.

Rajnish Dixit
Lead - QA-QC/QMS/Welding/NDT
+91 9724200357

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 16:15, Rameez khan RK
<rk.rameezkhan21@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Experts ,
                       can any one please tell me regarding PT required or not during bevel preparation on T 23 tube material during repair. Please give me according standers and code. whats is the possibility for PT on Tubes after repair

Thanks & Regard

Rameez Ali Khan
Mechanical QC Inspector
Mobil: +966582963466


Yanbu Power & Desalination Plant Phase 3, K.S.A  

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