Saturday, October 24, 2015

Re: [MW:23794] Vessel Design Temperature Change

Hi Mohd.Azam
Do you know some code extras which will permit us to do this modifications?

Warm Regards
Sent from my iPhone

On 24-Oct-2015, at 10:39, Mohd Azam <> wrote:

Design only need to be verified, Nothing to do with vessel, However change in temperature is small and only in plus side. Hopefully there will be no R-Stamp.


Thanks & Regards,

Mohd. Azam

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Praphulla Phirke <> wrote:

Dear All,

I have situation where Air Receiver Vessel made of SS 316  designed as per ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 U stamped shipped to site but not yet installed. The vessel is stored on warehouse in packed condition.


The Present design temperature is 70°C which need to be changed to 85°C.


Can you please suggest which are steps we have to take ? Any code reference for recertification ?




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