Friday, October 30, 2015

[MW:23822] RE: 23812] heat input for pulse hot wire

Hi Hamid,


Please see the extract from Sec-IX. Refer  Non Mandatory Appendix-H for more details in addition to QW 409. If the power source used is of Non Waveform type then QW-409 a,b or c may be followed. Follow 409.1 (b) or (c) for waveform controlled welding. You may choose one of the 3 stated formula below depending on the power source type. The original formula, QW-4091(a) is the baseline formula for all welding engineers. The other two  were adopted later.


Most precise way would be a combination of QW-409.1(a) & QW-409.1(C)-(2)



The ASME Section IX heat input measurement methods in QW-409.1(a) and QW-409.1(b), were developed at a time when welding power source output was relatively constant.


QW-409.1(c) more accurately reflects heat input changes when performing waveform controlled welding, but is also suitable for non waveform controlled (conventional) welding.




Pradip Goswami, P.Eng,IWE

Welding & Metallurgical Engineering Specialist

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada









From: [] On Behalf Of Hamid Firoozi
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:07 AM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:23812] heat input for pulse hot wire


Hello Experts


I`m looking for heat input formula for GTAW -Pulse- Hot wire process ,I got many different formula but  I can not trust to the references.

So would you please share your information about this subject with me .


Thanks every body  

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