Sunday, October 18, 2009

[MW:3515] Re: all weld tensile

Dear Mr. Ali Asghari,

I have worked on a laboratory for 12 years and excecute a lot of
Procedure Qualifications also for DNV but we never performed a all
weld tensile on such small diameter pipe for a qualification but only
for information..
If this is really necessary for PQR than you may try to machine a
subsized dp5 specimen according to EN 10002. For example when you take
a specimen of Ø 3 mm your gage length will become 15 mm and your total
specimen length will be anywhere near to 50 mm. In my opinion it makes
no sense to test such small specimens because if so you only will get
material from your root pass in the specimen. What you may do in such
circumstances is confer with the responsible inspection authority and
ask them for advise. One possible solution in order to test material
from the weld cap as well is take a section of the welded pipe and
flatten it under a press. It will cost some elongation for the tensile
test and will infleunce the yield strength as well. If the inspection
authority agreees with this you can prepare a square specimen, gage
length also according to EN 10002, over the full thickness which makes
more sense in my opinion. We have don this as well in the past but
only for information and when the inspection authority agrees.

Hope this will help you further.

Best Regards,

Herman Pieper

On 17 okt, 14:19, Ali Asghari <> wrote:
> hi all.
> if any body had exprience related to all weld tensile for 4"pipe, he would share how it carried out & according to which standard?
> DNV F-101(2005) specify a all weld tensile for qualification PWPS that related to 4"pipe,11.28mm thickness.
> regards.

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