Friday, February 28, 2020

Re: [MW:30561] Preheat & Microstructure relation in LAS weld

Dear Mr. Selvin,

Enclosing  two articles towards,
1. Preheating LAS and 
2. Relation between preheat & micro structure recently up loaded for your study.

The second article was published in the year 2019 in Springer Nature Journal and 
will give you an idea towards preheat and micro-structure relation.

Trust it will help you.

C Sridhar.

On Friday, 28 February, 2020, 04:36:31 pm IST, selwin jebadas <> wrote:


I need some basic understanding from LAS welding.

1)Need for preheat in LAS?
2)Preheat & microstructure relation?

Many thanks,

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