Thursday, February 20, 2020


Dear Imran Khan,

The below mentioned standards by Mr.Singh API 5LD or API 5LC refers to clad Pipeline and piping standard and I believe your Query related to ASME Sec.IX.

Some Inputs below.

Regarding Procedure Qualification refer for position qualified in QW405.4

Inline image
Regarding your Query on Welder Qualification

Inline image
QW 461.9 defines the requirement for position qualified. Longitudinal weld overlay performed in !G position do not require for diameter qualification but longitudinal weld overlay in other positions may require welder qualification as per QW 461.9 but no diameter limitation only position.

Diameter & position as mentioned in QW461.9 is applicable for weld overlay for Circumferential welds

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 05:54:21 PM GMT+7, Nachhattar Singh <> wrote:

Dear all

There are  standards known as API 5 LD and 5 LC, you can refer these standards. The over lays are done with automated machines. Overlaying can be done both internally and externally.

N S Gurm 

On Wed 19 Feb, 2020, 3:39 PM Imran Khan, <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

How can I weld overlay on Pipe ID & OD, by qualifying welder on a plate as per below code requirements.

(c) The essential variables of QW-350 and QW-360 shall apply for welders and welding operators, respectively, except there is no limit on the maximum thickness of corrosion‐resistant overlay that may be applied in production.When specified as essential variables, the limitations of position and diameter qualified for groove welds shall apply to overlay welds, except the limitations on diameter qualified shall apply only to welds deposited in the circumferential direction.

Warm Regards 
Imran khan

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