Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Re: [MW:29647] Suitable filler and and electrodes

for the base metal or for the cladding?
Typical for this base metal E7018 & ER70-6, 

Στις Σάβ, 25 Μαΐ 2019 στις 8:44 π.μ., ο/η JAYAPAL DHAKSHNAMOORTHY <jmoorthy191@gmail.com> έγραψε:
Dear experts,

I have to qualify the the PQR as per (ASME Sec IX 2017)  for the the following

Material: (SA516Gr.60+SB127)+(SA516Gr.60+SB127), that is SA265 Clad plate.

Process: GTAW+SMAW (Image attached below)

Groove: single "V" groove weld.

Thk.:22mm+3mm of clad.

Kindly advise the suitable filler wire and electrode.SFA no. & Classification no. 


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Dr. Georgios Dilintas,
Dipl. Ing. In Aeronautic and Space Engineering
Ph.D in Mechanics of Solids - Computational Mechanics
A.I.S, A.N.I, IRCA Lead Auditor
Welding, Stress Analysis, Corrosion, QA/QC, Failure Analysis, Risk Analysis

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