Monday, November 5, 2018

[MW:28567] Re: PQR

Yes you can use. as mentioned by Rajesh. QW 201 allow it. 
also refer below ASME interpretation:-

Standard Designation:BPV Section IX
Para./Fig./Table No:
Subject Description:QW-201, Manufacturer's or Contractor's Responsibility
Date Issued:05/23/2011
Record Number:11-44
Interpretation Number :IX-10-25
Question(s) and Reply(ies):

Question: May an organization with more than one ASME Certificate of Authorization, under different names and in different locations, describe in its quality assurance programs the operational control of procedure qualifications and the use of welding procedures properly qualified under one certificate holder, under another certificate holder within the organization, but without separate qualification, as permitted by Section IX, QW-201?

Reply: Yes.

Thanks & regards
Sandeep Kumar

On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 7:30:39 AM UTC+3, Vivek wrote:
Hello experts, is there any code/standard reference  for below statement?

"If a PQR is qualified for one location of company, same can be used for another location provided the other facility/location is under same technical And Quality administration as of the qualified one"


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