Friday, May 4, 2018

Re: [MW:27782] Change in WPS & PQR


It is permitted to revise the WPS subjected to addenda to the PQR refer QW 202.2 C

(c) Changes to the PQR. Changes to the PQR are not permitted
except as described below. Editorial corrections or
addenda to the PQR are permitted. An example of an editorial
correction is an incorrect P‐Number, F‐Number, or
A‐Number that was assigned to a particular base metal or
fi ller metal . An example of an addendum would be a
change resulting from a Code change. For example, Section
IX may assign a new F‐Number to a filler metal or
adopt a new filler metal under an established F‐Number.
This may permit, depending on the particular construction
Code requirements, an organization to use other filler
metals that fall within that particular F‐Number where,
prior to the Code revision, the organization was limited
to the particular electrode classification that was used
during qualification. Additional information can be incorporated
into a PQR at a later date provided the information
is substantiated as having been part of the original
qualification condition by lab record or similar data.

CH V Ramana

On Friday, 4 May, 2018, 1:52:07 PM IST, S. Kharwar <> wrote:

Dear Experts,

Can anyone suggest..

I have an Old WPS in ASME Sec.IX  with Material Grade IS 2062  E250 B  in   unassigned  material number  , now I would like to use  but the inspector said that currently  it is in Assigned -P1  number .
So can I change my WPS  front page with revision by editing as Assigned number , similarly in PQR .

Is it mentioned any where in ASME Sec.IX .


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