Friday, December 28, 2012

Re: [MW:16351] Grinding or filling is allowed on Final pass (on capping) for WPQT ? Urgent plse..

Dear Sathish,
Genrally not allowed to do filling when welder qualification. AS per ASME Sec IX not issue.

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Sathish Kumar <> wrote:

Dear Experts,
Please advice.
whether Grinding or filling is allowed on Final pass (on capping) for Welder performance qualification test (WPQT) for Plate or Pipe. Since qualification is done based on ASME Sec 9, so i need reference only as per ASME Sec 9.
Also already i referred ASME Sec 9 - QW194, which only mentions the Complete joint penetration for visual examination for WPQT. But it is not more specific in case of Grinding or filling and also some other (acceptable limits ? )parameters like Reinforcement, undercut, underfill etc..
I need only Asme Sec 9 reference, because as per the project contract only Asme Sec 9 is applicable for our project in case of WPQT.
please advice guys..

Thanks in advance..
sathish. K
Welding inspector.
Jubail, Saudi arabia.

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