Monday, August 31, 2009

[MW:3087] RE: 3065] hydrogen disbonding for SS clad at 530 deg C

You require to carry Disbonding test at that temp i.e. at 530C due to design
temp recomended

Generally it is being carried at 454,468,482 as scheveron spec ask Hot
tensile at these temp. for P22 therefore on this basis customer ask for
disbanding at these temp.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Amarjit Singh
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:06 PM
To: Materials & Welding
Subject: [MW:3065] hydrogen disbonding for SS clad at 530 deg C

Dear all,

I have a vessel SS 347 clad on P4 material. The vessel is to be used
in H2s service at a temperature of 530 deg C. Specification is asking
for autoclave/ H2 disbonding test for weld overlay. what are the
basis to decide for the test? Is it neccessary to do at 530 deg C or
there is any other permutation or combination to do the test at lesser

If yes please guide
Amarjit singh

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