Tuesday, August 25, 2009

[MW:3011] Re: ASME Sec-IX ( QW-403.5) interpretation

Dear All,

The answer provided by all of you are correct at great extent but I will add to it. Only one sentence or clause can not be read in isolation to make any decision.

Refer QW440 for the A- Nos (that is consumable...as somebody replied correctly that to weld P1 to P1 you will not use E309.....
Also refer QW424 where the base metal coverage (PQR vs Production) are listed.

Both the above shal also to be considered when making decision for PQR requirement.


2009/8/24 Kural <kuralen@gmail.com>
Interpretation: Answer is yes ( for all 3 combination of basemetals) as long as other essential and supplemtary essential are unchanged.

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Sukamal Naskar <sukamalbecmet@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear All,
Good Morning !!!
I have a query on ASME SEC-IX ( 2007 ED, 08 ADD )

QW-403.5 (c ) , states that " ---------------   In addition, when base metals of two different P-Number Group Number combinations are qualified using a single test coupon, that coupon qualifies the welding of those two P-Number Group Numbers to themselves as well as to each other using the variables qualified."


Query: If we qualify one PQR, with P-No. 1 Gr. No 2  to  P-No.8 Gr.No.1 material using  SMAW ( E 309MoL) process with impact testing  on weld metal & both HAZ portion , does this PQR supports the following WPS combination of base metals , if all other welding variables are unchanged ?


(i)                  P-No. 1 Gr.No.2  to  P-No. 1 Gr.No.2 

(ii)                P-No. 1 Gr.No.2  to  P-No. 8 Gr.No.1 

(iii)               P-No. 8 Gr.No.1  to  P-No. 8 Gr.No.1 


Please give your comments,


Thanking you,

Sukamal Naskar

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