Thursday, December 31, 2020

Re: [MW:31889] B91 material

Honestly, to many variables involved. To the welding process used, to the weldor's technique, just to many variables to give you an educated answer. One would be guessing. Maybe you can post the WPS used? Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. More information is needed.....

Jamie Reyes
J.R. Machine Company, Inc.

On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 8:26 PM Pravin Poornachandran <> wrote:
Dear expert, 

I have B91 material to be weld, 6mm and 10mm thickness, however project requirement need to test -20degC impact which I don't really agree due to Cr-Mo is not intended for low temperature application. 

I performed PWHT 770degC x 1hr but unable to achieve desired charpy, I was wondering if I extend holding time for 6hr, is it possible to achieve -20degC? (Average 40J). 

Welding Process: SMAW and GTAW 

Could anyone advise and guide how to achieve desired impact ? 

Best regards,

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