Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Re: [MW:31776] Materials and thicknesses in a project

 Such a broad question. Let's start with this question. What code were you planning on qualifying to? Assuming ASME IX, Purchase yourself a copy if this is in fact the code you need to qualify to, and begin studying.
QW-451 For procedure qualification thickness limits and test specimens Should get you on the right track. I recommend getting in touch with somebody who is knowledgeable with creating a WPS/PQR. There's a lot more to it then what you asked in your question and what I've told you in my simple answer. More info is needed in order to help out.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 7:21 PM STEPHEN MESSIAH <qc42492@gmail.com> wrote:
How do we get thicknesses and materials for wps/pqr in a piping project? Is it from drawings or any other documents?

There could be thousands of drawings in a project.Is there a master document?

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Jamie Reyes
J.R. Machine Company, Inc.

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