Monday, November 30, 2020

[MW:31786] Re: SSPC SP 6 - 63

Hi Sir,

Thank you for your valuable input. Indeed we have to discuss with Client and Licensor about this requirement. Normally we just do the SP-7 as specified in API 936 but we would need to install acid coating that would require a more clean surface so it would not peel-off. Thus we may need to clarify with the Refractory Supplier about the required acid coating and its required surface preparation before we talk to Client/Licensor. 

Anyways, do you know what "63" means in the "SP 6-63"?
On Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 11:51:16 PM UTC+8 wrote:


I think there're some mix-ups in the specifications and interpretations. SSPC SP6 or other specifications are applicable for  surface preparation by blasting for application of paints.

For the refractories the criteria is a bit different. Following is the extract from  API -936, for surface preparation before applications of refractory.

You may read the standard, discuss and settle the issue with the client based on the API-936 guidelines.




P.Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.

Independent  & Consulting Welding & Metallurgical Specialist




From: RKD <>
Sent: November 26, 2020 10:15 AM
To: Materials & Welding <>
Subject: SSPC SP 6 - 63


Hello everyone.


I encountered a requirement from a Licensor specification that internal surface should be prepared as per SSPC SP 6 - 63 prior to refractory application.


I know SSPC SP 6 means commercial blast but I have never encountered or saw a surface preparation requirement "SP 6 - 63".


Does anyone know what this means?


Thank you in advance.


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