Saturday, June 27, 2020

Re: [MW:31046] How to check Argon Gas Purity?


Please find below the link might be useful to you.

(PA - GOW-MAC Instrument Company, a leading manufacturer of gas analyzers and compressed gas handling equipment, offers the process oriented Series AR710 and AR720 Gas Analyzers with High Frequency Argon Discharge Ionization Detector (HFADD). The analyzers are offered as turnkey systems designed and optimized specifically for the analysis of trace impurities (i.e., H2, N2, O2, CH4, CO and CO2) in argon down to the part-per-billion (ppb) range. Two configurations are available depending upon the impurities being measured. Sensitivities of < 15 ppb can be measured)

SHAW Meter also can be used.

Thanks& Regards,




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On Saturday, June 27, 2020, 10:08:29 AM GMT+7, 'james gerald' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:

Argon purity certificate comes from the Argon gas manufacturer which will be cross checked with the Batch Number on the cyclinder.

During Welding we only measure oxygen content in ppm levels using oxygen analyser and mentioned in the WPS

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:35:34 PM GMT+7, Vinayak <> wrote:

what is the instrument name to check purity.

On Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 4:41:41 PM UTC+5:30, Richard robes wrote:

You can check with Argon gas meter / Analyzer for 99.9 % purity or as per WPS requirements. Hope it's clear.


On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Maulik Thakkar <> wrote:

You want to check which impurity?

Normally moisture/dew point need to be checked as per AWS 5.32. It should be less then 10.5 ppm.

To check moisture, dew point analyzer is available.

L&T, Welding engg. & Metallurgy

On Apr 4, 2014 5:31 PM, "prabhu" <> wrote:
Dear All,
I my doing work on SS material 316L , ensurinig clean and dust free area and surface but enable to rnsure the Argon gas purity.
please guid me how to ensure the gas .
Or is there any divice to check the Argon gas impurities.

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