Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Re: [MW:31078] Right consumable for S 31254 to SA 516 Gr 70 mtrl.

S31254 is under ASME P.No.8. SA516 Gr.70 is P.No.1.

For P.No.8 to P.No.1 use E/ER309 or ER309L

Thanks& Regards,




M: +66-892512282

E-mail : karthik6684@yahoo.com

On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 04:39:00 PM GMT+7, clvaidya.2010@gmail.com <clvaidya.2010@gmail.com> wrote:

Right consumable for S 31254 to SA 516 Gr 70 mtrl.

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