Sunday, June 28, 2020

Re: [MW:31055] 3 Cycle PWHT requirements ASME

This is general engineering practice ( Indian boiler regulation required simulated heat treatment with 2or3 cycle to ensure the minimum it's) to ensure the mechanical properties after one or two times repair after heattreament of the product. Suppose after heattreament of product, while doing NDT ( especially alloy steel, heavy wall) found some defects. After repairs, if depth is more than allowed, u have to go again for heat treatment. Repeated cycle will reduce the mechanical properties.  While doing PQR, u have to envisage the expected cycle of repair work. If u expect 2or3, u have to extend the soaking time accordingly and base metal also. 

On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 9:01 am HENNING John, <> wrote:

There is no requirement within ASME Section I or Section VIII to perform a simulated PWHT for three cycles.  This a common requirement in petro-chemical specifications and, occasionally, other customer specifications.


See Section VIII, Division 1, UCS-85, "Heat Treatment of Test Specimens" for base metal simulated heat treatment requirements.  This is typically a single cycle mimicking the production heat treatment.


There is no comparable requirement in ASME Section I.


Hope this helps.  Code is fun.


From: [] On Behalf Of José Juan Jiménez Alejandro
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2020 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:31046] 3 Cycle PWHT requirements ASME


I have never seen in the ASME Code (Section I and VIII Div. 1) that mentions anything about three cycles of a PWHT, the PWHT tables in these two ASME sections are very clear in terms of materials, times and temperatures.



El vie., 26 jun. 2020 a las 22:08, 'james gerald' via Materials & Welding (<>) escribió:

Please provide the ASME Code reference where the 3 cycle PWHT is specified to understand your exact requirement.


Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar



On Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:35:50 PM GMT+7, Kiran Ekbote <> wrote:





  Thanks for your reply,   

Heat Treatment required for the Weld.

can you describe more on this topic, regarding Mechanical test and hardness test?

What is the time required for one cycle and for 3 cycles?



On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 2:23 PM 'james gerald' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:

Is the Heat Treatment required for Plates or for the Welds.


If it is for the Plates during the procurement stage, then you need to follow the same Heat Treatment simulating the exact condition it undergoes.


1. Initial Heat Treatment for the Plates will be the first cycle.

2. PWHT after welding will be the second cycle

3. Taking into account the Repair after PWHT will be the 3rd cycle.


You can simulate the same condition on one coupon and undergo the test as per Material standard.


If it is for Welds, then you can apply PWHT in one cycle as the snap short  below.


Inline image

One Coupon and the testing requirements as per ASME Sec.IX and applicable specifications.


Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar



On Friday, June 26, 2020, 12:12:39 PM GMT+7, K K <> wrote:



Dear All,


Expertise can you please see my query, Can I get the solution to the below query.


How to Calculate 3 cycle PWHT, What are the requirements? please explain to me in detail.


What are the initial requirements and what are mechanical and hardness requirements? 


Please explain to me in detail with a step vise.


I hope i will get a good response from the Materials & Welding team and from Expertise.





On Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 12:10:59 PM UTC+5:30, K K wrote:

Thanks for your support.



Regarding PWHT of 3 cycles.


Below I have mentioned my PQR ranges for PWHT.





HEATING RATE 190°C/Hours Max

COOLING RATE 190°C/Hours Max.

As per the above range, it's qualified 3 cycles, but how? and for 3 Cycles PWHT where I required test coupons? how many coupons tests shall I have conduct?

Please clarify my above query in detail with code.


Thanks once again.




On Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 11:43:19 AM UTC+5:30, petervsoloman wrote:

Dear Kiran,

Once PWHT competed for joints due to modification cut/reweld or repair re PWHT required that particular joints.

it is mention in the procedure is enough to do the job. This you can mention in your weld repair procedure.



+971 33663119


On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 7:32 AM K K <> wrote:

Dear All,


Please describe to me regarding 3 cycle PWHT requirements as per ASME.


If my PQR tested with two coupons where I required one more test coupon and additional one more for repair.


Please explain to me in detail and related to mechanical testing for PWHT.


What is the meaning of this paragraph - **an additional one PWHT cycle shall be incorporated to simulate field repair or modification.**


Thanks and Regards


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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

Independent Consultant in Parts

and Pressure Equipment


Móvil +52 1 812 352 4606

Skype: jjjimeneza


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