Monday, June 15, 2020

RE: [MW:31006] 9Cr Materials allowable stress degradation

Grade 91 allowables were reduced in ASME 2019 part D in the creep range.

You will need to access the Code to find out the particulars as this is copywrited material.




From: [] On Behalf Of Vinay Thattey
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: [MW:30998] 9Cr Materials allowable stress degradation


Dear I have not checked it and therefore at present not able to comment .


On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 10:49, DAIF MOSTAFA <> wrote:

Dear experts,


Hope you are doing well and your family and hope that normalcy came back as soon as possible.


Recently, I have been informed about the degradation of the allowable stress of 9Cr materials probably according to the July 2019 publication letter of ASME Section II part D.

I don't have any news about the actual allowable stress, pressure and temperature dependent and I wonder if it is so what is the updated LMP chart. Many facilities which use in their furnace, exchanger and pressure vessel a high temperature resistant steel such as 9Cr material, should be concerned with this issue.


Thank you in advance for your usual understanding and involvement in sharing very important key information with us.


Best regards,


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