Sunday, June 28, 2020

Re: [MW:31059] 3 Cycle PWHT requirements ASME

Even ASME for some P numbers (section I and VIII Div. 1) allows you to make repairs with solder after the PWHT without having to repeat the PWHT, but it is only for some very specific P numbers with also very specific metal filler, that is  very little known but it is in the ASME code.

El dom., 28 de junio de 2020 7:29 a. m., ishwar kumar <> escribió:

Dear Kiran

This requirement in ASME/AWS D1.1 is a supplementary essential variable and required when the construction code requires the component to be impact tested.

Generally we have the PQR PWHT time at temperature held long enough to cover 2 heat treat cycles of the thickest material to be welded. That way if we need to have a second heat treat cycle for any reason e.g weld repairs the welds are qualified. This is cheaper than having to re-qualify.

PQR must have the hold time so that it is at least 80% of the hold times used for production.  If the production welding will need 2 hours of hold time the PQR must have 80% of 2 hours = .8 x 2 = 1.6 hours. The PQR must also be held at temperature for the construction code minimum based on weld thickness.

Thanks & Regards
Ishwar Kumar

On 22-Jun-2020, at 9:38 AM, K K <> wrote:

Dear All,

Please describe to me regarding 3 cycle PWHT requirements as per ASME.

If my PQR tested with two coupons where I required one more test coupon and additional one more for repair.

Please explain to me in detail and related to mechanical testing for PWHT.

What is the meaning of this paragraph - **an additional one PWHT cycle shall be incorporated to simulate field repair or modification.**

Thanks and Regards

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