Monday, December 16, 2019

Re: [MW:30278] Slag deposit in SAW welding

I is there any solution as for welding it takes 1 hour, for clearing slag it's taking more than 3 hours.


Dharma Dattu. B

On Monday, 16 December 2019 11:26:50 UTC+5:30, kannayeram gnanapandithan wrote:
This is due to joint design, deeper / narrow the joint difficult to remove slag

On Mon, 16 Dec 2019 8:39 am Dharma dattu, <> wrote:
Hello All,
We have a job with 30 degree single bevel corner joint, as per client requirement we are using SAW process to complete on time schedule.
the fact is for root run the slag is not easy to be removed, as its hard and taking a lot of time even for grinding wheel / chipping. can some one say the reason for it. or a solution. 
Subsequent layers  slag is releasing on it's own, so i don't doubt filler metal or flux.
we are at present using base metal 20mm thk and 4mm filler metal, brand, D&H.

Dharma Dattu. B

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