Wednesday, December 4, 2019

[MW:30250] Semi-auto to Machine/Automatic

Dear Experts,

We have one PQR and WPS parameters as below:
1.  Code: AWS D1.1/D1.1M : 2015
2.  Material & Grade: A36M.
3.  Position: 1G, 2G.
4.  Backing: back weld
5.  Welding process: FCAW GS (Semi-auto).

AWS D1.1, Table 4.5 & Table 4.6 did not state the essential variable / requirement in same welding process if we use a weld technique by Semi Auto method in the PQR then convert to Automatic method on production or vice versa.

Please advise on this issue whether still acceptable to change FCAW GS semi auto to FCAW GS Auto process or viceversa

Best Regards,

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