Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Re: [MW:30147] What is full form of SA in SA516

"A" is an ASTM designation for materials indicating that the iron content is 50% or more (ferrous material). If the iron content is less than 50%, the next abundant element would determine the alloy type (and the specification generally would start with the letter B).

If an ASTM material specification has been adopted by ASME, an "S" is added to the designation.

The SA (SA-516) means it is a ferrous material specification from ASTM, that has been adopted for Code use by ASME. 

source : AWS.org

Dont look for exact expansion for S & A, like S means Steel and  A means Authority. 

Thanks and Regards

Rameshkannan Devaraj

"What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world – Avvaiyar"

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 10:35 AM Kamal Basha <basha2070@gmail.com> wrote:
A means ferrous, iam correct friends

On Mon, 14 Oct 2019, 1:44 p.m. Aakash, <harenathjha@gmail.com> wrote:
Like Astm it's starts with A.
Please reply ?

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