Thursday, October 3, 2019

Re: [MW:30108] Re: PQR for PTAW Process by ASME Sec IX

Dear Sir
Construction code is API 6A

Kindly clarify below doubt, I have carried out trial welding on 25mm and 10mm test plate size of 170mmX170mm
1. I have carried out macro examination and no indication
2. Chemical analysis done at 1.6mm weld metal. Found Fe content in 10mm plate to 7.85% and 25mm plate 12.58%. Kindly clarify whether it is acceptable? do i need to check the chemical as per the filler wire composition? also normally dilution will not be controlled and Fe is observed above the spec

What is the acceptable limit?

3. As per the ASME Sec IX i have carried out 3 hardness at weld metal of 1.6mm as same as chemical test piece sample. Or do i need to check at the weld interface of weld metal, HAZ and base metal? kindly clarify

please give us the valuable inputs

On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 9:20:01 AM UTC+5:30, José Juan Jiménez Alejandro wrote:
It is important that you mention what the Construction Code is

El mar., 24 sept. 2019 a las 4:48, Bien_ND / (<>) escribió:
please run follow machine manual and consumable manual.
I did a procedure PTA with Dura-Metal as them instruction.

On Monday, September 23, 2019 at 10:24:23 AM UTC+7, wrote:
> Dear Experts
> I would like to know below query on preparation of PQR as per ASME Sec IX, Process: PTAW by hardfacing overlay by Stellite 6 Powder
> 1. What is the current, voltage, Gas flow and Powder feed rate need to be maintained for 10mm and 25mm thickness plate. To which standard and reference i need to refer.
> 2. What is the pre heating and interpass temperature need to be maintained for P.No: 1,8,4,5A, 15E and to which standard need to refer
> 3. What is the hardness requirement for P.No: 1,8,4,5A, 15E during testing PQR? Which standard is mentioned this requirement?
> 4. Chemical analysis is mandatory for Co base as per ASME Sec IX , Table QW: 453
> Kindly give your suggestion and feedback for the above doubts
> Thanks in advance

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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

Independent Consultant in Parts

and Pressure Equipment


Móvil +52 1 812 352 4606

Skype: jjjimeneza

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