Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Re: [MW:29509] How to make WPS and PQR for A106 Gr. B for my study

I send the formats and the respective guides, for me it is more complicated to give access to each one of you by Google Drive, I hope that at the time each of you also share valuable information that is in your hands for the good of all the members of this prestigious group.

El mar., 23 abr. 2019 a las 7:34, José Juan Jiménez Alejandro (<jjjimeneza@gmail.com>) escribió:

El lun., 22 de abril de 2019 9:35 p. m., Kamal Basha <basha2070@gmail.com> escribió:
S 8inch thickness 

On Sat, 20 Apr 2019, 7:57 a.m. Vinay Thattey, <vinay.thattey@gmail.com> wrote:
PLEASE SPECIFY .Is job thickness 8 "??

On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 at 08:05, Kamal Basha <basha2070@gmail.com> wrote:

please tell me what is the thickness range for 8 inch and above.

On 16 Apr 2019 7:48 a.m., "Vinay Thattey" <vinay.thattey@gmail.com> wrote:
The thickness range is 1.5 mm to twice the thickness ( 2 x 5.9) . 
Please read  ASME B & PV code Sec IX  QW 450 ( Specimen and table) and notes 1 to 5 of this table.  Also read QW_403 .

On Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 09:05, Emil Multazam <emil.multazam@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Experts..

Could anybody help me, how to determine range thickness pipe A106 Gr.B for WPS ?
I have test coupon with thickness 5.9mm


Emil Multazam
Manufacturing Engineering
College at University of Surabaya

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Ing. José Juan Jiménez Alejandro

ASME Independent Consultant 

and Technical Manager SSI-TPI

Cel. +52 812 352 4606

Skype: jjjimeneza

Twitter: @jjjimeneza

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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone