Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Re: [MW:29494] PQR & WPS thickness limits

read Section IX of ASME

Στις Τρί, 16 Απρ 2019 στις 5:18 π.μ., ο/η Vinay Thattey <vinay.thattey@gmail.com> έγραψε:
Please review your design . Its not a good idea to have GTAW of 25 mm thicknesses . Root pass and second pass by GTAW are good enough . 

On Sat, 30 Mar 2019 at 10:30, Nabeel <khan.nabeelahmed@gmail.com> wrote:
I have reviewed a PQR for GTAW+SMAW welding. Test coupon is 50mm thick with GTAW 25mm and SMAW 25mm welding. On the WPS thickness range is given as upto 200mm for both GTAW and SMAW.
How is this possible as more than 38mm test coupon qualifies for up to 200mm welding ??

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Dr. Georgios Dilintas,
Dipl. Ing. In Aeronautic and Space Engineering
Ph.D in Mechanics of Solids - Computational Mechanics
A.I.S, A.N.I, IRCA Lead Auditor
Welding, Stress Analysis, Corrosion, QA/QC, Failure Analysis, Risk Analysis

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Re: [MW:35374] Material Certification 3.1 / 3.2/2.2--EIL India

Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...