Friday, April 5, 2019

Re: [MW:29465] 40 mm root gap

Why 40 mm gap is reqd.?

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 5:25 PM Ramin Kondori <> wrote:
A WPS with 40mm root gap and 10mm base metal is not something you expect to be approved...
This must be the fault of design or cutting plan or cutting operations etc. 

  1. The first option that should be investigated is whether the plate can be used in a different location. Refer to the shop drawings and material cutting sheets to study this alternative. 
  2. Another possibility, assuming material is available, is splicing on material by butt-welding. The weld must be reflected in the shop drawings and meet D1.1 quality criteria. 
  3. If none of these are feasible, the piece may have to be replaced.   

You can cut back your structural member and then weld a piece so that the final assembly is within the weld joint dimensional tolerances (this weld shall be CJP). This is the industry practice for such wide root gaps.

Ramin  Kondori
Sr. QA/QC & Welding Engineer
PG-Dip. in Welding Engineering (IWE  AT  0070)
BSc. in Civil Engineering (IUT)
BGAS Painting Inspector

On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 3:23 PM Arun Padman <> wrote:

Dear All,


I have a situation in which I need to qualify a WPS with 40mm root gap and 10mm base metal,


But the client is not ready to allow us to conduct the PQR, he need a technical clarification before we conduct PQR,


Is it allowed to weld 40 mm root gap with backing plate as per AWS D1.1, please help me. 


Arun Padman Manayil
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