Thursday, April 5, 2018

Re: [MW:27634] Reg. PQR



Your SMAW electrode made to deposit weld metal in any position. ( Ex. E7018 , 1 indicates All position),


It's the ability of welder to deposit that weld metal in particular position without defect is important. Hence ASME considers position as essential variable for welders not for PQR


Example  QW-405.1 & QW-405.3, The same non-essential variable in PQR  is considered as essential variable in WPQ.


In summary,


If u have WPS/ PQR qualified in 1G position, you can use that WPS/PQR in all position in fabrication provided your welder must have qualified to weld in that particular position i.e as per QW 461.9


thats why many fabrication companies where welding involved in all position , they qualify PQRs in 2G,3G & 4G and combine to have all positions qualified for both WPS/PQR & WPQ. i.e to ensure guaranteed mechanical properties in all positions.


Also refer QW-405.4 ( a) for more details.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 11:05 AM, S. Kharwar <> wrote:
Dear Expert ,

As per ASME Sec. IX QW 203 - states that a qualification in any position qualifies the procedures for all position .

Now Can u all clarify one thing  , I  I have WPS in SMAW process and I am qualifying the PQR in 3G position , then according to above Clause it will be
qualified for position .

Whether its also applicable for 1G position also .

Pls. clarify briefly.



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