Sunday, February 18, 2018

Re: [MW:27342] Re: Narrow groove GMAW - Lack of fusion issues

Hi Hari , 
Are your parameter set ? How is the fitup verified ( root face , radius of curvature and bevel )? Is your pipe having ovality issues ? LSF in fill passes is either due to excess grinding or oscillation or dwell time not sufficient or the bevel angle is increased  . You shud check if any parameter meter change is been done . What is the size and thickness your welding . 

On 18 Feb 2018 1:57 p.m., "Harikrishnan Appayi Achari" <> wrote:

All came as side wall lack of fusion (majority). 

On Sunday, 12 November 2017 19:13:37 UTC+4, vinay pawar wrote:

are you facing problem in root or underneath the groove. means root to fill passes.
please specify the job like Dia thk and fit up method like Internal clamp or diffrent.


On Saturday, November 11, 2017 at 5:40:58 PM UTC+3, Harikrishnan Appayi Achari wrote:
Dear All,

We are now facing Lack of Fusion issues with Narrow Groove GMAW (Mechanized Welding). Material is API 5L Grade X60/65. Pipes are having some hi-lo issues too (around 2.5 mm). If anybody came across a similar scenario, kindly share your experience and the way you tackled it.

Thanks and regards,


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