Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Re: [MW:26594] NDE requirements for oil piping (tubing) - Mechanical equipments

Carbon steel material 1" and 1/2".

2017-06-06 12:35 GMT+00:00 Perumal Govindan <perumalgovindan@gmail.com>:


Please refer the material requisition and data sheet of the project about NDE requirement.

Or let me know the material specification of the tube.


On Jun 6, 2017 15:29, "Zakaria ghrab" <zakaria.ghrab@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

  Could you please advice:

- Project : Power plant construction project
- Construction code ASME B31.1

Query : Oil piping (tubing) for mechnaical equipments (Fans,...) : 
-  Any ASME or API related code/standard ?
- code for construction, welding and NDE ?
- Pressure test : is it mandatory ? Pneumatic or just oil flushing 

Thank you for your support.


Thanks and Regards, 
زكرياء غراب
GHRAB Zakaria 
Tunisia : +216 96 635 805
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Thanks and Regards, 
زكرياء غراب
GHRAB Zakaria 
Tunisia : +216 96 635 805

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Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone