Saturday, June 3, 2017

[MW:26577] Re: ASME B31.3 -2014 Table 331.1.1 Soaking time for P1 material

Hi Team,

Thanks for the Reply,

Seems for P1 material Minimum 1 hour soaking time requirement has been revised to minimum 15 minutes upto less than one inch wall thickness...
is there any code case on this issue... if there please share the number.

I am aware of PWHT exemptions. which are newly added in ASME B31.3 2014, however all those requirement are there in ASME Sec IX from long time..

Actually thought of attaching screen shot of Table T331.1.1, overlook attached 2004edition.


On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 6:03:46 PM UTC+8, SWI wrote:
Hi Team,

Could any please clarify
What is the minimum required soaking time for P1 material with wall thick 12mm, as per ASME B31.3 year 2014 Table 331.1.1 .

Is it still Minimum one hour per 1 Inch wall thickness or Minimum 15 Minutes...



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