Saturday, October 8, 2016

[MW:25512] Re: Cellulose electrode redrying

Hi Pravin,

In comparison with other electrodes, a cellulosic electrode must contain some quantity of moisture. This is because of necessity of coating oxidizing potential and decreasing of redox process of carbon, silicon and manganese. Therefore drying of cellulosic electrodes after production process must be avoided. 

Further, exposure to bright sunlight in warm, dry areas may be just as damaging as low-temperature baking, so it is best to keep cellulosic-coated electrodes in cool, shaded regions throughout the work day. 

Rehydrating the electrodes does not restore them to the as-received condition, so the best practice is to discard electrodes that have been exposed to particularly hot or dry conditions, and under no circumstances should cellulosic electrodes ever be placed in electrode drying ovens.

Abhishek Vyas

On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 2:08:47 PM UTC+5:30, Pravin wrote:
Dear expert,

Can anyone advice why cellulose electrode don't need redrying? Any particular Technica reason?

Pravin Poornachandran

Sent from my iPhone

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