Tuesday, September 1, 2015

RE: [MW:23381] DN 80 Carbon steel pipe

Since the specification figures are maxima then the material complies with the requirements of the standard. However has it been manufactured to ALL the requirements of the standard? Are you re-certificating material manufactured by others, or doing a check on what has been supplied with a manufacturer's certificate stating compliance with that standard? Be very careful if re-certificating material.



Alan Denney

AKD Materials Consulting Ltd



From: materials-welding@googlegroups.com [mailto:materials-welding@googlegroups.com]
Sent: 01 September 2015 10:18
To: materials-welding <materials-welding@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [MW:23380] DN 80 Carbon steel pipe




Unless you carry out chemical and mechanical testing how you can certify any material ?


Why don't you ask the lab which has done the chemical analysis to confirm the material grade composition please ?




Prem Nautiyal




Sent from Samsung Mobile


-------- Original message --------

From: Kadir godil

Date:01/09/2015 2:24 PM (GMT+05:30)

To: Materials & Welding

Subject: [MW:23378] DN 80 Carbon steel pipe


Dear Experts,


I have a 80 mm dia pipe. I have done its wet chemical analysis according to IS228. The result shows as below,


C - 0.06

Si - 0.55

Mn - 0.45

P - 0.024

S - 0.023


I checked standard IS 1239. As per this standard, the chemical composition should be (all max), C - 0.2, Mn - 1.3, S&P - 0.04%.


My question is, can I say my pipe is IS 1239 pipe?


Please suggest what grade is my pipe?


Thank you.




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