Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Re: [MW:17874] thickness limits for SA 234 Gr.WPB pipe fittings

plz tell me know the Actual thickness of the fitting you have received from Manufacturer. I recommend you that if the thickness is below 6 mm for elbow and 8 mm for Reducer you can Machine ID to actual thickness as required.

For any query you can contact.
Vineet 9971055188

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 8:20 PM, prem nautiyal <prem_nautiyal26@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear friends
Vendor has manufactured seamless pipe fittings SA 234 Gr.WPB like elbows (3" SCH 40, 90 degree) and reducers (6" X 3" SCH 40).
Dimensons have to be checked as per ASME B16.9.
The under limit on thickness mentioned is - 12.5%.
I would like to know the Over Limit on thickness for pipe fittings as per ASME B16.9.
Prem Nautiyal
(Sr. Surve

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