Monday, June 24, 2013

[MW:18013] Re: WPS with multiple PQR

dear ,

for third point it is ok to use two WPS in the same joint with maintain the thickness range but need to write a WPS with referance to the two PQR

Q1 & Q2 cant be as PWHT is essential  variable 

On Sunday, 23 June 2013 20:00:08 UTC+4, Ahmed Husain wrote:
Dear All, 
Followings are brief details of five PQRs.
PQR No.                 Process                       Base metal                             B.M. Thick      B.M. RANGE              PWHT                         Impact
#1                     SMAW                        P1Gr3 to P1Gr3                      0.24 Thk         1.6 -12                        N/A
#2                    SMAW                        P1GR3-P1GR2                        0.24 Thk          1.6 -12                         N/A                              YES (-51 F)
#3                    SMAW                        P1Gr3 to P1Gr3                      1.5 THK           16 - 200                       1150/10 HRS              YES (-51 F)
#4                    SMAW                        P1GR3-P1GR2                        1.5 THK           16 - 200                       1150/08 HRS               ES (-60 F)
#5                    SMAW                        P1Gr3 to P1Gr3                      1.75 THK         16 - 200                       N/A                              YES (-51 F)
Based on above PQRs,
1.    Is it acceptable to prepare  a single  WPS with two welding condition ( with and without PWHT), with notes stating thickness limits for both conditions.
2.    If yes, what would be thickness range for welding with & without PWHT.
3.    With reference to ASME IX- QW-200.4 Combination of Welding Procedures,: If a company has two WPS, one in GTAW process and second in SMAW process, is it acceptable to apply individually both WPS on single joint? Or new WPS will be required combing both WPS?
 Your valuable feedback will be highly appreciated.

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