Monday, November 28, 2022

Re: [MW:33772] Clarification regarding pwht

Dear sir ,

As my understanding Material will go for Second time PWHT due to repair , In this case please check Simulation Cycle of Raw Material for How many time you can perform PWHT .

On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 8:51 AM Uma sankar Sankar <> wrote:
Dear experts.
                         ASTM A335 P91,Joint welding completed,Rt done ,third party NDT RTFI result RT pass,as per ITP PWHT should be done with in 24 hrs of welding completion,so PWHT done,but Aramco Oid dis agreed with third party Result, result given as repair, Repair done,can we perform PWHT ?if  we do stress release again,is there any specific standard?

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