Monday, November 14, 2022

Re: [MW:33706] A Number

is it active flux, if so u will have more Mn^Si which are added through flux while welding

On Mon, Nov 14, 2022, 8:50 AM williams p wilson <> wrote:
Dear Experts,

As per Sec.IX. Table QW-442 (A Numbers) for A-No.1, Mn (Max %) is 1.60 , but one of our Kiswel SAW MTC is having 1.63 (wt. %) Mn in the chemical composition of the weld metal under PWHT Condition (602 Deg.C x 9 Hrs) - It can be considered under A No.1 - Please confirm

Thank You & Regards
Williams P Wilson
QA/QC Engineer
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