Thursday, January 14, 2016

Re: [MW:24091] Clarify copper inclusion & tungsten inclusion

are you referring to the copper on the outer layer of the filler metal. Could this potentially make the weld more ductile than the parent metal ? regards

On Wednesday, 22 May 2013 12:58:58 UTC+1, raja ram wrote:

dear friend
the fillerwire will have copper for good arc initiation  ,while welding it may incur into the weld pool and stay as metallic  inclusion .the copper has low melting temperature ,while solidifying of weld pool,this inclusion will form as a liquid layer called solidification crack which is a major issue on that welding .this will occur in GMAW

In TIG welding process the tungsten from the electrode may melt and drops into the weld pool it will create tungsten inclusion

On May 22, 2013 4:02 PM, "tishteo" <> wrote:
My friends,
Can anyone help me to clarify what is diffirent between copper inclusion & tungsten inclusion. Is copper  caused  of cracking & not permitted but Is Tungsten  permitted following code?
Which one welding process appear defect like this. thanks for your help.

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