Monday, October 1, 2012

[MW:15435] Distortion in 254smo welded manifold header

Dear Experts ,

We are constructing and Sea Water  RO plant wherein the feed and brine headers of RO membranes assembled in a train requiring manifold piping with ports welded for feeding sea water to each row of membrane and collect brine .The header sizes are 14 and  8 inches ,schedule 40 .During welding of these manifold we encountered distortion along the pipe length made of one 6 m and second 3.3 m  seam welded pipes circumferentially welded .Each header contains 2 inch  ports  welded at a distance of 300 mm .Presently the welding sub contractor uses press for removing the distortion .Our dought is about stress releaving requirement of 254 smo pipe material under this condition of mechanical means of distortion correction .The pipe was supplied by Outokompu  .Does ASME or standard practice calls for any stress releave treatment ? Is so what is the temperature cycle to be adopted for post distortion correction stress relief ?

SWRO Proje

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[MW:35346] Cast-iron welding

Any advice for cast iron welding Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone