Monday, September 3, 2012

Re: [MW:15207] Query: Free Chlorine & Chloride Content for Water Test Certifcate / ASME Sec VIII Div 1

No but I can not say why
Best regards
Dr Georgios Dilintas
Authorized Nuclear Inspector
Authorized Inspector Supervisor
HBS Regional Technical Manager

  From: Vino Varghese []
  Sent: 03/09/2012 15:10 ZE3
  Subject: [MW:15200] Query: Free Chlorine & Chloride Content for Water Test Certifcate / ASME Sec VIII Div 1

Dear Gentleman,
Does ASME Sec VIII Div 1 or Div 2 refers to the quality of Water for Hydro testing? If not, why?
It is observed that NACE Standard and most Client specification refers to stringent requirement of Chloride content esp. for SS Vessel.
Would like to understand that whether the Water Analysis Report should refer to "Free Chlorine" or "Chloride Content". Anyother parameters/elements is required to be confirmed for Hydro test like PH etc... Also, appreciate if any one can share relevant Standard for same.
Thanks & Regards

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Re: [MW:35374] Material Certification 3.1 / 3.2/2.2--EIL India

Dear Perumal, I answer the same but got one more question where it is written that TPI witness is mandatory? -- https://materials-...