Tuesday, March 29, 2011

[MW:10519] Re: WPS


Point no 1
as per EN ISO 15607 clause 7, a WPS is A qualification is valid
indefinitely for the ranges qualified unless otherwise specified.

Point no. 2
For that you should need to know what is the yield strength of the
filler wire, if it is relative to S355 JR, then you can weld S355 JR
to S355 JR, or if it is relative to
S275 JR, then its not qualified.
Yes you can weld S275 JR to S275 JR with this WPS.
Because both material are from the same material group and your filler
wire properties are relative to it..

Sandeep Kumar

On Mar 27, 3:28 pm, manoj john <manojac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear members,
> I have one query regarding WPS.
> 1) One of my client made a comment on a WPS which i had submitted to
> them for approvel that  Procedures are from 2001.  My question is Is
> there any time limit for WPS?  In my knowledge answer is No, a
> qulified procedure can be used any time without changing the essential
> variable.
> 2) I have one  qualified wps with base metal S 355 JR to S 275 JR.
> Can I use this WPS to weld  S 355 JR to S 355 JR and S 275 JR to S 275
> JR?
> Please clear my doubts, if possible with code reference.
> Thanks & Regards.
> Manoj

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