Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Re: [MW:4523] tests for checking welding quality of Duplex SS weld

In addition to the other enumerated standards, you have to take into consideration EN 1011-3: Welding
Recommendations for welding of metallic materials. Part 3: Arc welding of stainless steels

Цитат от

> Hi,
> Can anybody suggest what tests must be conducted to check welding quality
> of Duplex SS.
> Is there any European standard for these tests details.
> BR,
> Pankaj Johri,   GradIEAust,
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Re: [MW:35354] Cast-iron welding

1. Preheat joint area(other area, cover with mineral wool). 2. ENiCi or ENiFe-CI. 3. stringer bead. 4. peening is to be done on weldmetal im...