Saturday, May 6, 2023

Re: [MW:34199] Impact Testing requirements for PQR

Dear all

Is it mandatory to do Impact Testing in PQR our clients doesn't approaching to us to do Impact Testing they only required impact Testing in Forging Material Tee and flanges.

That's why we are doing Impact Testing in PQR.

Thanks & Regards

On Fri, May 5, 2023, 6:18 AM Srinivas Rao <> wrote:

in addition to above one may consider PWHT requirements if anything applicable as per the design and client spec, if PWHT applicable one may consider additional PQR's or based on the construction code exemption recommendations PQR's Can be avoided by following pre-heat requirements of the construction code.

Srinivas Rao
On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 3:22:12 PM UTC+4 james gerald wrote:
Appreciate efforts and initiative from ENG.Ahmed.

Just to share. 2 PQR's 6mm & 23mm is sufficient.

There is an ASME Interpretation stating PQR qualified on 6mm and higher thickness qualifies in the range from 16mm.  Someone please share the Interpretation.

Thanks & Regards

J.Gerald Jayakumar

On Thursday, 4 May, 2023 at 03:45:32 pm IST, 'Ahmed Osman' via Materials & Welding <> wrote:

3 PQR's may be sufficient , 6mm (3-12) 10mm (10-20) 23mm (16-46) 

Best Regards ,
ENG. Ahmed Osman

On Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 08:44:46 a.m. GMT+3, Jackson Raj <> wrote:

Dear all,

In Our project has 3 inch to 24 inch and it's thickness 5.49mm to 45.24mm and Impact Testing required for above thickness.
Please clarify how many PQR are required for this job 
Please consider the Impact Testing also mentioned each PQR thickness qualify 


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